Academy of Managment Journal (AMJ)最佳论文
1987 – Toby Wall, Nigel K. Kemp, Paul R. Jackson, and Chris W. Clegg, “Outcomes of Autonomous Workgroups: A Long-Term Field Experiment,” 1986, 29(2): 280-304.
1988 – Gareth R. Jones, “Organization-Client Transactions and Organizational Governance Structures,” 1987, 30(2): 197-218.
1989 – Robert I. Sutton and Anat Rafaeli, “Untangling the Relationship between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales: The Case of Convenience Stores,” 1988, 31(3): 461-487.
1990 – Connie J. G. Gersick, “Marking Time: Predictable Transitions in Task Groups,” 1989, 32(2): 274-309.
1991 – Lynn A. Isabella, “Evolving Interpretation as a Change Unfolds: How Managers Construe Key Organizational Events,” 1990, 33(1): 7-41.
1992- Jane E. Dutton and Janet M. Dukerich, “Keeping an Eye on the Mirror : Image and Identity in Organizational Adaptation, “ 1991, 34(3): 517-554.
1993 – Luis R. Gomez-Mejia and David B. Balkin, “Determinants of Faculty Pay: An Agency Theory Perspective,” 1992, 35(5): 921-955.
1994 – D. Harold Doty, William H. Glick, and George P. Huber, “Fit Equifinality, and Organizational Effectiveness: A Test of Two Configurational Theories,” 1993, 36(6): 1196-1250.
1995 – Eric Abrahamson and Choelsoon Park, “Concealment of Negative Organizational Outcomes: An Agency Theory Perspective,” 1994, 37(5): 1302-1334.
1996 – Mark Huselid, “The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity, and Corporate Financial Performance, ” 1995, 38(3): 635-672.
1997 – Danny Miller and Jamal Shamsie, “The Resource-Based View Of The Firm In Two Environments : The Hollywood Film Studios From 1936 To 1965,” 1996, 39(3): 519-543.
1998 – Anne S. Tsui, Jone L. Pearce, Lyman W. Porter, and Angela M. Tripoli, “Alternative Approaches to the Employee-Organization Relationship: Does Investment in Employees Pay Off?” 1997, 40(5): 1089-1121.
1999 – Harry G. Barkema & Freek Vermeulen. “International expansion through start-up or acquisition: A learning perspective.” 1998, 41(2): 135-145.
2000 – Ferrier, W.J., K.G. Smith, & C.M. Grimm. “The role of competitive action in market share erosion and industry dethronement: A study of industry leaders and challenges,” 1999, 42(4): 372-388.
2001 – Zahra, S., Ireland, D., & Hitt, M. “International expansion by new venture firms: International diversity, mode of market entry, technological learning, and performance,” 2000, 43(): 925-950
2002 – Seibert, S.E., Kraimer, M. L., Liden R.C. “A Social Capital Theory of Career Success”, 2001, 44(2): 219-237
2003 – Sherer,P. & Lee, K. “Institutional change in large law firms: A resource dependency and institutional perspective ,” 2002, 45(1), 102-109
2004 – Kimberly, D.E.& Roderick, M.K. “Assessing Creativity in Hollywood Pitch meetings: Evidence for a Dual Process Model of Creativity Judgments,” 2003, 46(3), 283-301
2005 – Agarwal, R., Echambadi, R., Franco, A.M.,& Sarkar, M.B.“Knowledge Transfer through Inheritance : Spin-out Generation, Growth, and Survival,” 2004, 47(4): 501-522
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