Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)最佳论文
1995 – Charles A. O’Reilly III, David F. Caldwell, and William P. Barnett, “Work Group Demography, Social Integration, and Turnover,“ 1989, 34(1) : 21-38
1996 – Rebecca Henderson and Kim B. Clark, “Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms,“ 1990, 35(1): 9-31
1997 – Jennifer A. Chatman, “Matching People and Organizations: Selection and Socialization in Public Accounting Firms,“ 1991, 36(3): 459-485
1998 – Anne S. Tsui, Terri D. Egan, and Charles A. O’Reilly III, “Being Different: Relational Demography and Organizational Attachment, “ 1992, 37(4): 549-579
1999 – James R. Barker, “Tightening the Iron Cage: Concertive Control in Self-Managing Teams,“ 1993, 38(3): 408-438
2000 – Jane E. Dutton,Janet M. Dukerich, and Celia V. Harquail, “Organizational Images and Member Identification,“ 1994, 39: 239-263
2001 – Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Behnam N. Tabrizi , “Accelerating Adaptive Processess: Product Innovation in the Global Computer Industry,” 1995, 40(1): 84-111
2002 – Walter W. Powell, Kenneth W. Koput, and Laurel Smith-Doerr, “Interorganizational Collaboration and the Locus of Innovation: Networks of Learning in Biotechnology,“ 1996, 41: 116-145
2003 – Brian Uzzi, “Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness,“ 1997, 42(1): 35-67
2004 – Mark J. Zbaracki, “The Rhetoric and Reality of Total Quality Management,“ 1998, 43(3): 602-636
2005 – Morten T. Hansen, “The Search-Transfer Problem: The Role of Weak Ties in Sharing Knowledge across,“ 1999, 44(1) , 82-111